Last week we told you about our final Platinum Sponsor; so it's high time we should tell you about our other sponsors helping to make CommCon Virtual 2021 happen. Today we've launched the sponsors page of the website; giving you all the information about our sponsors including how to talk to them during the conference and what jobs they have open at the moment. Let me introduce Teluu, 100ms, Loway,, Sangoma, Pion, Jambonz and Telecurve.
Gold Sponsors
Teluu have supported us every single CommCon to date and have been real advocates for what we're trying to do with CommCon - bringing the best quality content in a format that is engaging and enjoyable for all. Teluu are the team behind PJSIP - the popular SIP stack used across the industry.
100ms offer video conferencing infrastructure for a video-first world and enable you to get going with building your app within minutes. We're so pleased to see more growth within the WebRTC cPaaS ecosystem; more competition and choice means a better all round ecosystem for you - the developers building things.
Silver Sponsors
Loway have supported CommCon from the very beginning and we couldn't be more thankful to Lenz and his team. Loway are known for their QueueMetrics software that supports Contact Centres all over the world along with their Wombat Dialer application. They've recently been taking on the challenge of making statistics available from MS Teams powered Contact Centres. Lorenzo is also a speaker at CommCon this year.
This is the first time is sponsoring CommCon but their presence has been felt throughout the WebRTC Community for a long time - supporting customers around many different aspects of WebRTC development as well as curating content for other conferences. We're excited to have them on board supporting CommCon Virtual 2021.
Sangoma are the guardians of the Asterisk and FreePBX projects and have been sponsors of CommCon in the past too - thank you for supporting us again!
Community Sponsors
Pion is an open source WebRTC project in Go with an awesome community around it; they supported us last year and are helping make CommCon happen again! We've got two sessions around Pion this year in our schedule.
Jambonz is an open source cPaaS built on top of one of our favourite projects, Drachtio. Dave Horton has supported us from the very beginning and continues to do so with both sponsorship and with a session on Open Source Licenses this year.
Telecurve are a new company on the scene in the VoIP space with some familiar names at the the helm - namely Dovid Bender who has supported CommCon in the past as both an attendee and a lightning talk speaker. Thanks for the contribution to enabling CommCon Virtual 2021.
We want to thank all of our sponsors for their support in making CommCon happen.