We’re delighted to have some awesome speakers from Dyte, Red Hat, Gigapipe, Telviva as well as Henning Westerholt joining us at CommCon in just ⏳ TWO WEEKS ⏳
We’ve frozen tickets at the earlybird price, so it’s awesome value! 🤑 If you haven’t got your tickets yet, now’s the time!
Tickets 🎟️https://2023.commcon.xyz/pricing/ 🎟️
Scroll down to find out more about this week’s speaker announcements ⬇️
🎤 Check out this week’s featured speakers:
Palash Golecha & Tarush Nagpal
Co-Founder & Full Stack Engineer at Dyte

Palash and Tarush talk about cross-browser compatibility, track state representations, and playback with the getUserMedia API.
Máirín Duffy & Emma Kidney
Senior Principal Interaction Designer & Associate Software Engineer at Red Hat

Remote talk: Máirín and Emma present a case-study of a virtual conference that the Fedora Design Team put on for 265 concurrent live viewers, using a completely free & open source technology stack including Matrix, Jitsi and PeerTube.
Lorenzo Mangani and Alex Maitland
Co-Founder, CTO & Co-Founder & COO at Gigapipe

Lorenzo and Alex share the story of qryn so far, with lessons learned while developing a real-time communications observability solution at massive scale from the bottom up, with a small super team.
Henning Westerholt
Managing Director at GILAWA

Henning gives an overview of the new features and improvements in the upcoming Kamailio 5.7.0 release series, including important changes related to deployment, packaging and containerization.
Wim Coetzee & Duncan Boag
Software Development Team Lead & Developer Consultant at Telviva

Wim and Duncan go over how to use UCaaS to better engage customers in a multi-format, multi-media world.
Sound good? See all our talks 🗣️ here:
If you’re waiting on your boss to say ‘yes’, check out our Convince Your Boss 🚀 pack:
If you haven’t got your tickets yet, what are you waiting for? CommCon is just **two weeks** away! ⏰
See you in a fortnight!
- Team CommCon