✨ CommCon 2024 Highlight✨: WebRTC track mixing for streaming & recording by Wojciech Barczynski

    We're back with another CommCon 2024 highlight. This time we're taking a look at "WebRTC track mixing for streaming & recording" by Wojciech Barczynski from the Software Mansion team.

    Software Mansion were a sponsor of CommCon and we are hugely grateful. They have their own event RTC.ON happening in September with their Early Bird tickets going off sale End of Thursday 22nd August. You can use code DAN20 for 20% off but be quick! Our very own Dan Jenkins will be speaking about ICEPerf and some of the updates that have been done to it recently - there re plenty of other amazing speakers and workshops too!

    Now, back to why we're highlighting Wojciech's talk at CommCon San Francisco; quite simply... other than FreeSWITCH and GStreamer (and ffmpeg), there aren't many other open source projects out there that act as an MCU so another joining the mix is hugely exciting. LiveCompositor looks like a hugely powerful API based mixer that should be flexible enough to take on most challenges - and it's only at the beginning of its life. We're sure we'll hear more about it at RTC.ON

    We're keen to hear your thoughts on the future of Media Delivery, WebRTC and AI and what it can do to help boost our industry and our work. Come share your thoughts with us on our social media.

    We're only 40 subscribers away from 1000 over on our Youtube channel, so if you haven't already... please go subscribe do we can hit that 1000 number!

    - Team CommCon



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